British Virgin

The BVI Financial Services Commissions (FSC).

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

The Financial Sector Supervisory Commission - the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

Type of
  • Company (BVI business company, segregated portfolio company, restricted purpose company)
  • Unit Trust and Limited Partnership (with or without legal personality)
  • Company (exempted company, segregated portfolio company (SPC)
  • Limited liability company (LLC) and limited duration company)
  • Unit Trust
  • Exempted Limited Partnership
  • Limited Liability Partnership

Under the law of 10 August of 1915 on commercial companies:

  • Public limited company (SA - société anonyme)
  • Partnership limited by shares (SCA - société en commandite par actions)
  • Limited partnership (SCS - société en commandite simple)
  • Special limited partnership (S.C.Sp. - Société en Commandite Spéciale or SLP)
  • Limited liability company (Sarl - société à responsabilité limitée)

Type of

Open-ended (approved, incubator, professional, private and public funds) or closed-ended (private investment funds (PIFS)).

Open-ended funds fall under the BVI Security and Investment Business Act, 2010 (as amended) (SIBA).

Open-ended or closed-ended. Open-ended funds fall under the Mutual Funds Act (2021 Revision) (MFA).

Closed-ended funds fall under the Private Funds Act (2021 Revision) (PFA).

Open-ended or closed-ended. The ability to redeem at the instance of the investor does not determine if the Fund is regulated or unregulated.

UCITS[1] must be open-ended.


Under SIBA, open-ended funds are subject to regulation by the FSC.

These funds include incubator, approved, private, professional and public funds.

Open-ended funds (where the investors have a right to require the redemption of their interests) are required to be registered with CIMA under the MFA.

UCITS - a retail investment product regulated by the CSSF with detailed rules on organisational & management requirements, diversification, liquidity and use of leverage by such funds to ensure the highest level of investor protection.


Annual fees are required but no annual filing.

Limited information publicly available.

An online government platform is available which allows for electronic filings.

Annual filing and fees required. Limited information publicly available.

Filings are dependant on the legal form and regulatory status of the entity.

Information is publicly available depending on the legal form and regulatory status of the entity.

An LPA[10] is not publicly available.


Audited financial statements to be filed with FSC, except in the case of incubator and approved funds which do not require audited financial statements.

For funds registered under the MFA or PFA, audited financial statements are required to be filed with CIMA within 6 months of the end of each financial year of the fund and signed off by local auditor.

UCITS and Part II Funds: Semi-annual unaudited report and annual audited financial statements.




UCITS and Part II Funds: €1,250,000 within 6 months of authorisation.

SIF: €1,250,000 within 12 months of authorisation.

SIF/RAIF: €1,250,000 within 12 months of incorporation/formation.

SICAR: €1,000,000 within 12 months of authorisation.


No residential qualifications necessary.

Corporate directors acceptable.

No residential qualifications necessary.

Corporate directors acceptable.

No residential qualifications prescribed under the relevant Fund Law.

CSSF’s administrative practice is to require at least one resident director.


No requirement for annual meetings.

No requirement for annual meetings.

Depends on the legal form, if regulated or unregulated.

Generally, an annual meeting is required.


Not required to be BVI resident or domiciled investment managers.

Not required to be Cayman Islands resident or domiciled.

Not required to be a Luxembourg resident entity.


None required.


UCITS: Detailed rules on eligible assets, risks diversification, counterparty risk and concentration limits.


Memorandum and articles of association may be amended by a resolution of directors or by a resolution of voting shareholders.

Memorandum and articles of association for companies other than LLCs can be amended by shareholders only.

SA and SCA - Articles of association (amended by shareholders holding 2/3 of the share capital at an extraordinary general meeting before a Luxembourg notary at which at least 50% of the share capital is represented).

of shares

Unrestricted save as provided in the constitutional documents.

Unrestricted save as provided in the constitutional documents and eligibility requirements of investors under the MFA or PFA (as applicable).

Unrestricted save as provided in the constitutional documents and eligibility requirements of investors under the relevant Fund Law, other than a Sarl which is a private company restricted to 100 shareholders.


The BVI government has committed towork towards introducing a publicly accessible register of beneficial ownership for companies by 2023.

Funds registered with CIMA under the MFA and the PFA are currently out of scope under the beneficial ownership regime and not required to maintain and file beneficial ownership registers.

The Fund is required to maintain a register of beneficial owners and publish this on the Luxembourg trade register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés  – RCS).


The Data Protection Act, 2021 introduced a data protection regime to BVI.

Certain personal information will be considered personal data under the legislation.

The Cayman Islands Data Protection Act (2021 Revision) (DP Act) is similar to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and certain personal information will be considered personal data under the DP Act.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and any national data protection law.


Funds are required to appoint a Money Laundering Reporting Officer, and notification of such individuals must be provided to the FSC.

A Money Laundering Reporting Office, a Deputy Money Laundering Reporting Officer and an Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer are required to be appointed.

Responsible for compliance (RR) and compliance officer (RC).

Articles 40 to 43 of CSSF Regulation N° 12-02 and CSSF FAQS[13] set out further details regarding the skills and duties of the RR and RC.


Not yet required.

Not yet required.

Required for AIFMs and UCITS manager to be performed pursuant to the SFDR[14]

(ie  Level 1 regulation: pre-contractual and corporate disclosures)

Registered AIFMs are also within scope.


Multi-currency funds permitted.

Multi-currency funds permitted.

Multi-currency funds permitted.


Not required to be BVI resident ordomiciled administrator.

BVI resident or domiciled administrators require licensing or approval by the FSC.

No requirement for local administrator although any person administrator conducting the anti-money laundering due diligence on behalf of the fund should apply Cayman Islands AML standards.

Regulated funds & RAIFs are required to appoint a Luxembourg central administrative agent established in Luxembourg and regulated by the CSSF.


With the exception of approved and incubator funds, BVI mutual funds are required to appoint a custodian, but an exemption from having to do so can be sought from the FSC.

No custodian requirements for open-ended funds registered under the MFA.

For closed-ended funds registered under the PFA, there is a requirement to either:

Whether a custodian (safekeeping of the assets) or a depositary (safekeeping with strict liability in certain circumstances, cash monitoring and oversight duties) must be appointed, depending whether the fund is a UCITS or an AIF (regulated or unregulated) with an Authorised AIFM/sub-threshold AIFM or a non-AIF regulated by a Fund Law, as applicable.


Not required to be BVI resident or domiciled investment adviser.

BVI resident or domiciled investment advisers require licensing or approval by the FSC.

Not required to be Cayman Islands resident or domiciled.

Cayman Islands resident or domiciled investment advisers may require registration or licensing under SIBA.

Luxembourg resident or domiciled investment advisers; required to be approved by the finance minister under the Financial Sector Law if providing advice in respect of financial instruments. There are limited exemptions.

Set up

Start to finish indicative timing: 4-6 weeks

Start to finish indicative timing for CIMA registration: 4-8 weeks for Licensed Mutual Funds

Regulated funds require CSSF prior approval.[15]


Mutual funds, PIFs and any investors who are not persons resident in the BVI are exempt from all forms of taxation in the BVI.

No income, capital gains or corporation tax and government undertaking that no such taxation, if introduced, will be levied on the income or property of the fund for a maximum of 30 years for companies (although typically it will be 20 years) and 50 years for unit trusts, LLCs and exempted limited partnership.

Unregulated Funds (other than RAIFs) in corporate form are required to withhold tax on dividends paid, are subject to corporate income tax, municipal business tax and net wealth tax.


Permitted under the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (as amended) and SPC Regulations.

Permitted under the Companies Act (2022 Revision).

Permitted under the relevant Fund Law. Not available to unregulated Funds.


Not applicable.

Not permitted.

Regulated Funds and RAIFs can cross invest subject to certain conditions.


Available at no charge for a period of 10 days if the name contains no restricted words or phrases.

Available for a weekly fee of US$49, monthly fee of US$74, two months of US$98 and three months of US$147.

Submitted online to the Luxembourg Business Registers (LBR) for a fee of less than €10, through the local service provider or lawyer.


Not applicable.

Yes, but subject to conditions. In relation to open-ended funds, subscriptions cannot be accepted until the fund has been registered with CIMA under the MFA.

Rules on pre-marketing passport are not applicable to UCITS.

Subject to the conditions of the AIFMD and CBFD Directive[16].